November 13, 2023
As this Veterans Day weekend comes to a close, and we all get ready for the week ahead, I'm finding myself pausing before I plan. I'm thinking about how many different priorities can actually be taken care of effectively, and how the time I have can be maximized to have the greatest positive impact possible. I'm realizing now, after almost 30 years of officially being a public-school educator, that the pause may be more important than that constant 'push' or that never-ending 'to-do' list.
As I take time to stop, reflect, and re-focus, I am reminded how lucky I am to have people in my life that I can depend on to listen to understand, and who will help me adjust my focus when things get a bit blurry.
Today happens to be World Kindness Day, and there seems to be no shortage of kindness images and quotes all over X, Instagram and Facebook. I've decided that the greatest impact I can have as I plan for the week ahead, is to be actionable about that kindness, and be sure to look out for others who may have their own moments of unclarity.
Do you believe in the "power of the pause"?
Do you believe we should give "every day the chance to be the most beautiful day of our life", as the Mark Twain quote goes?
Thanks for reading,

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